1) Setting the stage of the hunt is the vast and rich river bottom systems combined with an UNIQUE and UNUSUAL high habitat to open land ratio, which comprises Snipe Creeks Kentucky deer hunting zone (85 percent habitat and 15 percent crop fields). The result is a very high density of aged mature bucks in which the scheduled deer hunters will be in the middle. The Snipe Creek treasured "niche" hunting zone is one that little deer hunting has occurred over the years and 90% of local hunters only shoot 140 inch and bigger deer. Most all young bucks are always survivors.
2) Creating high odds to see and kill the high density of the aged Kentucky Whitetails in Snipe Creeks hunt zone is Snipe Creeks expertise ; methods to obtain high odds is detailed and explained via the website content.
3) Opportunities to kill aged bucks at Snipe in 2012 is sound, the kills will be impressive.
--->>Tips on increasing your own odds :
1) More deer will be seen if you do not text or play phone games.
2) Gun only to the stands will give increased odds. Back packs containing ipods, laptops, and weighing 30+ lbs negates odds significantly.
A new tip or two will be published almost every day

Velvet Hunt 2011

3rd Week Sept Velvet

Larry's 180 7/8 inch Snipe Creek Giant

21pt Snipe Creek Monster

Creek Lodge Kentucky Deer Hunt Reviews
Carl Doron's Snipe Creek Lodge is a White Tail hunters
best kept secret. A Fall 2011 edition of BowHunting
Magazine voted Kentucky to be the Number 1 state when it
comes to White Tail Hunting.
I have spent a lot of money and time traveling thousands
of miles, hunting places like North Texas, all over
Oklahoma, Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida, and
Kentucky. Read
More... |
Filming crews with a commercial interest will not be
hunted on any of Snipe Creeks Kentucky deer hunts or
Kentucky hunting properties.
As Kentucky is surging into the top state to hunt for
mature whitetail deer , filming interests have and are
targeting Kentucky deer outfitters AT AN UNBELIEVABLE
number, representing television shows.
Snipes' Kentucky deer hunting outfitter program will
only be directed and focused toward the personal hunting
aspect of the whitetail outfitting business. We are
currently being contacted by many "household name" shows
and people, all have been declined to hunt at Snipe
When you hunt at Snipe as an individual or group , no
filming crews (perhaps getting preferred treatment) will
be in camp.
Carl H. Doron |

View More 2011 Kills...
Snipe Creek Video Footage |
Kentucky deer hunting for aged mature whitetails with
consistent results is all about Odds. "Odds" at seeing and
killing mature bucks are created and increased by the outfitters
annual hunt plan.
An outfitters hunt plan should and must be completely and
thoroughly displayed through out the outfitters website. A
running multiple year history (very important) of a solidly
thought out hunt plan , documented via website pictures and
descriptions is critical.
You will give yourself
much greater odds at the desired goal of killing big bucks to
chose an outfitter that vividly displays his outfitting hunt
culture. Odds at killing mature whitetails can and should be
manipulated - scout snipecreeklodge.com website and you will see
many tactics that are consistently used to create the greatest
odds at seeing and killing mature Ky whitetails.
Additionally to have the greatest "odds" its a must to hunt
locations that contain big deer in big numbers. You will be
hunting a very high density of aged mature bucks in Snipe Creeks
hunt zone. The buck to doe balance is a free range 1 to 1 ratio
, creating and offering explosive rut action that is difficult
to duplicate or even to imagine. The hunt zone of Snipe Creek is
exclusively conducted in the vast Kentucky Lake
river bottoms and all 100 deer stands and 50 scent-free shooting
are 15 minutes and less from your last sip of coffee.
Hunt camp experience and camaraderie are an ingrained element of
our hunt culture. The camp fire, skinning shed and good food
are always the center piece after the hunt.
Creek , is serious about game management and hunt style,
which results in game manipulation , which greatly alters the
odds in favor of the hunter at having a successful Kentucky
trophy deer hunt. Created is the perfect habitat for promoting
productive deer life and a dedicated 12 month hunt plan based on
experience which together equates to greatly increased odds of a
successful hunting experience for you.
Expect to be
impressed! Through this extremely detailed website we show
and prove all that is said to any one that takes the time to
thoroughly scout this web site.
I am Carl Doron ,
owner and take the marketing strategy of promoting
Kentucky deer hunts at Snipe Creek by showing and conveying ,
via solid documentation , the hunt substance and hunt culture
offered that consistently ranks us as the most successful free
range Kentucky deer outfitter in the state. Choosing any
outfitter that lacks multiple year history of displaying solid
facts and details about the full scope of what goes into a
Kentucky outfitter deer hunt is a shot in the dark.
Odds will be with you
at Snipe Creek ,
Very important to consistently seeing and
killing mature bucks on any Kentucky outfitter whitetail hunt,
is the habitat ratio of the properties that will be hunted.
Total acreage hunted is meaningless, if much of the land lacks
To achieve and hold a high density of
mature bucks on any property, a high ratio of various types of
habitat is required. Mature bucks will only allow so many other
mature bucks to co-exist in any given amount of habitat.
A high ratio of habitat to total acreage
will always equal a much higher density of aged mature bucks on
any given property or general hunt zone. Small amounts of
habitat and large open crop fields will yield a very limited
number of mature bucks to co-exist with each other. Additional,
lack of cover prevents bucks to "age" ; basically deer are
sitting ducks without a high ratio of cover/habitat. At the same
time does flourish as few does will be shot and the result is
often an out of balance doe to buck ratio---not good for a paid
Kentucky outfitter deer hunt.
Huge fields will yield huge herds of does
and yearlings. Deer sightings will be great, but the lack of
mature bucks that exist in such a low habitat ratio will equate
to low odds of matures being seen and killed.
All of Snipe Creeks hunt zones have an
advantageous habitat to acreage ratio. When hunting Snipe Creek
properties you will easily notice that 85% of the hunt zone is
vast and varied whitetail habitat--rich jungle like river
bottoms , mature oak ridges, dense clear cuts, and native
wild-grasses --all of which will have multiple mini crop fields
of corn, soybeans and food plots that are small (1 to 20) acres
connecting the 1000's of acres of habitat---the result can be
seen in my historical trail camera surveys and the kill gallery.
Also around the camp fire, repeat clients will be quick to
discuss their past explosive hunt experiences with multiple
mature buck sightings on a Ky deer hunt at Snipe Creek.
I asked the hunter who arrowed the 160
inch on our 2011 Sept KY velvet hunt why he booked a hunt at
Snipe creek in one 5 minute phone call. "Your Inventory" was his
quick reply. I call it "mature buck density" which skews the
odds greatly at the desired goal of seeing and killing the
Oppositely, on a Kentucky deer hunt if you
find yourself hunting vast open crop fields with marginal
cover, expect to see lots of deer with no antlers. Mature buck
density will be low, offering weak odds at seeing and killing
mature bucks.
Outlined below are the actual and only
days that will be hunted on Snipe Creek hunt properties.
1) Early September Ky velvet hunt. (Applies no pressure to the
November rifle hunt.)
2) November rifle --16 day Ky rut hunt. (Going into this hunt -
totally pressure free..ranks us consistently as the Number one
Ky deer outfitter in the state , based on 100 % free range
3) December second rut, Kentucky black powder / muzzle-loader
deer hunt. ( A local favorite for older aged matures.)
No hunts will be conducted on all other dates. Every
outfitter in the nations big buck states , including Ky
outfitters offer and sell a lot of "pre-rut" and "rut" bow
hunts. These high pressure bow hunts are almost exclusively
conducted prior to the fire arms rut hunt.
Snipe Creek will not hunt on any dates that give low or even
marginal odds at harvesting mature bucks. Hunting
(particularly bow hunting ) all of October and bow hunting early
November prior to the November rifle season tarnishes the
November rut rifle hunt by a huge amount. Basically the does are
largely to blame. All does have 2 or 3 fawns ,and the does
are very protective of their young and vulnerable fawns. The
protective does when pressured move their young family extremely
rapidly to other feeding and bedding zones.
If you go into the rifle rut hunt with non
hunted deer on non hunted property, the does and bucks have and
will completely commit to rutting on these properties ;
does and bucks have spent all summer foraging in the food plots
on managed hunt properties and then the last 28 days before rut,
the relaxed herds of deer are laying out scrapes , rubs , scent
branches and other love markings, known only to the whitetails,
on the wildlife enhanced managed land.
What makes or breaks great" hunt odds" is not the number of
hunters in camp during the rifle season----what kills a rut
rifle hunt is when deer are disturbed on properties during the
28 days prior to the actual rut. Those 28 days is a critical
period of time when the herd is laying out their rut plan and
intentions ....Deer disturbance of the slightest degree during
this 28 day "critical" period of pre rut behavior , alters
the herds rut plan to other habitat zones which will become the
new rut zone and certainly decreases the odds at a successful
When herds of free range deer are left
completely undisturbed during the 28 pre rut days, the herds
will continue to stay in Snipe Creeks hunt zones. ---Much could
be discussed about the "rut disturbance" and its effect on odds
at seeing deer in general, as well as seeing aged deer.
Its truly amazing to watch the herds of deer move to our
non-pressured hunt properties in the fall as the other "local"
October and early November bow hunters send many herds of deer
to the hands of Snipe Creeks Ky deer hunt plan.
This very disciplined hunt calendar ensures that every hunter
hunting, on any hunt offered, at Snipe Creek is hunting "high
odds" dates at seeing and killing mature Ky bucks. Also
important to note, is that the "high odds" hunt dates that are
offered exclusively at Snipe Creek have not been tarnished by
useless hunting prior to the prime dates. This fact along with
other key components of our hunt culture and hunt plan,
consistently ranks us as the number one Kentucky outfitter in
the state , as well as the Mid West.
Ky whitetail outfitter , Carl Doron
The impact of 100+ well maintained and strategically placed rich
and nutritious food plots, combined with vast habitat
enhancement has changed the positioning, travel routes, bedding
areas and feeding zones of most herds of deer in a 5 mile
square. (Snipe Creeks hunt zone)
Each summer, it is ubiquitous to see herds of 10-20 bucks in
every bean field around and on Snipe Creek's Properties. Most
often half of said bucks are 3.5 and older with 130-175 inch
racks. When the green fields dry, most all the bucks head for
another known food sources - food sources on Snipe Creek
Properties. Deer season comes and out of town hunters
looking for a Kentucky deer hunt get their moneys worth. Snipe
Creek Properties consistently puts the smack down on a lot of
big Western Kentucky deer (bucks).
Every summer there seems to be even more and bigger deer in
those visible green soybean fields. Again as the beans turn
yellow and waxy those big bucks will b-line it to their known
food sources on Snipe Creek Properties. 2012 will be another
record season at Snipe Creek Properties.
Consistently successful Western Kentucky deer hunts are strongly
correlated to food source and habitat improvements. Hunt plans
that consider such improvements will offer what any hunter
seeks. A moment with nature that will explode with that hunt of
a lifetime.
After 20 plus years of planting and maintaining numerous food
plots in this region, Snipe Creek Properties has vastly improved
the Western Kentucky deer herd. Due to our Snipe Creek Quality
Deer Management Program, the deer herds have become "imprinted"
and are "hooked" on the best food sources available. We
exclusively hunt 3�+ year old, 130"+ bucks and are working in
cooperation with local landowners to improve the herd for all of
Western Kentucky. Proof can be seen in our post-season
2011 trail cam photos,
2010 trail-cam photos,
2010 velvet trail-cam photos,
2009 kills, 2010 kills, and
2011 kills!
Carl H. Doron
10,000 Active Stand Hours
5,000 Bow and 5,000 Gun

Graphic credit: Petersen's
BOWHUNTING Magazine (Issue: October 2011)